
Introductory Workshop on the Organising Framework For Occupations (OFO)

20 October 2020

Virtual event

This virtual event featured speakers offering an overview of the OFO, discussing processes to update the OFO, and shared insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the OFO

The overall objective of this event was to introduce the OFO to social partners and key stakeholder organisations – focusing on the importance of an occupational classification system (including its limits), the genesis of the OFO, and its application in the context of Labour Market Intelligence. Approximately 150 participants attended from various government departments, SETAs, civil society and educational institutions.

Through engagement with social partners and stakeholders on the three occupational lists – where the issue of the Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) is often raised as a challenge – DHET has sensed that many stakeholders do not realise the importance of the OFO, or understand its application in the context of labour market intelligence to signal the skills requirements of the labour market.

To this end, hosting a capacity building workshop through the LMI research programme (and linked to the project led by REAL within the LMI), offered an excellent opportunity to introduce the OFO to our social partners and key stakeholder organizations.

Outcomes from the workshop included:

  • Stakeholders gaining a common understanding of the OFO.
  • Stakeholders learning about the processes to register new and emerging occupations on the OFO.

To view the full event summary, and access the slide decks used by the presenters, please click here.