Technical Report

Western Cape List of Occupations in High Demand

This pilot study on P-OIHD in the Western Cape sheds light on the region’s economic and labour market conditions; and provides a foundation for evidence-based policy decisions that can enhance workforce development, support economic recovery, and address the evolving needs of the Western Cape’s labour market.

Labour Market Intelligence research programme


Knowing which occupations are in high demand is important for South Africa’s post-school education and training sector. The Western Cape has been a key driver of South Africa’s economic growth, particularly in the service, finance, and trade industries.

Due to projected poor growth on a national level, it is therefore crucial that the skills planning closely aligns with occupational demand. The study reveals 250 OIHD within the province, highlighting critical sectors with occupational demand. The occupations listed are diverse and require high-level professional, managerial, and technical skills, but also low- to medium-level administrative and clerical support.

This publication covers

  • The Western Cape’s Economy and Labour Market
  • Evolution of the Methodology Used to Identify Occupations in High Demand in South Africa
  • Second Preliminary List (post-public comments)
  • The 2024 Methodology and Results
  • Consolidation of Evidence and the Final List