Conceptual framework

Skills Supply and Demand in South Africa: A Conceptual Framework

This framework outlines how skills supply and demand is understood, for the purpose of conducting relevant research and building a body of labour market intelligence to guide skills planning that is responsive to the skills needs of the country within the context of the LMI research programme.

Labour Market Intelligence research programme


A key component of the LMI research programme is the development of conceptual frameworks to guide each research project. This framework should be used to guide the development of key individual projects under the LMI research programme within a shared understanding of the approach the LMI research programme takes to understanding skills supply, skills demand, and the imbalances between the demand for and supply of skills.

Through the framework, which allows skills shortages, surpluses and mismatches to be identified and analysed, government policy can be formulated. Ultimately, rigorous labour market information combined with evidence-based policies will result in reduced mismatches between education and training on the one hand and the labour market on the other, as well as in improved levels of employability and the identification of self-employment opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.

This publication covers

  • The Global Context
  • The National Context
  • Skills Demand
  • Skills Supply
  • Skills Imbalances: the intersection of skills demand and supply