Published report

Post-School Education and Training Monitor

This is the second edition of the Post-School Education and Training Monitor report, and provides an overview of the macro-indicator trends in the South African PSET system.



This report provides an overview of the macro-indicator trends in the South African post-school education and training (PSET) system. It tracks the progress made between 2010 and 2019 against key systematic goals aimed at achieving an expanded, responsive, quality, efficient, and successful PSET system, as envisaged in the White Paper on Post-School Education and Training.

Many of the indicators selected for this report are used internationally to monitor global educational goals and how countries are progressing in the attainment of educational outcomes. This report is guided by the Global Monitoring Report produced by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Education at a Glance report produced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). These projects track educational progress across countries, allowing them to benchmark and compare their performances against each other.

By compiling macro-indicators in one place, this Post-School Education and Training Monitor: Macro-Indicator Trends report can address the needs of a range of users, from government workers to researchers, who require data for further analysis. The data presented provide evidence for improvements in the design and implementation of educational policies, alert policymakers to prevailing problems, and hint at some of the causes of these problems. The report also serves as a source document for reporting on the progress made on national and international commitments, such as South Africa’s National Development Plan (NDP), the African Union’s Continental Education Strategy, and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The report focuses on the five key subsectors of the PSET system: namely, public and private universities, technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges, community education and training (CET) colleges, private colleges, and Sectoral Education and Training Authorities (SETAs).

This publication covers

  • Background, demography, and level of education in the SA population
  • Access to Post-School education and training
  • Quality and PSET provisioning
  • The success, efficiency and responsiveness of the PSET system