Published report

Employment, Skills and Covid-19: An Analysis of the 2022 Sector Education and Training Authorities Employer Interviews

This report is the third in the series of publications discussing employer interviews, with previous iterations based on interviews conducted in 2020 and 2022.


The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has identified the need for more qualitative research to complement the quantitative information on skills in order to form a comprehensive picture of skills shortages and gaps in the South African economy. To this end, the SETAs and the DHET work together to conduct employer interviews on an annual basis. Together, the information gleaned from these interviews, conducted across a broad range of subsectors, is used to provide insights into skills development issues across the economy.

This report analyses the quantitative and qualitative data collected through these employer interviews in the second half of 2022 in an effort to develop a broader understanding of skills issues in and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the South African economy.

This publication covers

  • Methodology
  • Context and the Impact of Covid-19
  • Skills: Hard-to-fill vacancies; Skills gaps; Change drivers; Economic Environment & Future skills; Priority education and training interventions
  • Conclusions